My 5-Star Photoshoot Experience
Photography By Ashley Gyabeng, Rich Chroma
I’m sure there is supposed to be a long process for preparing for a photoshoot. I imagine it would involve working out, keeping hydrated, getting your nails done, eyebrows waxed, having your hair styled, and wearing something cute that has been freshly washed. This is probably what the process would look like for someone who knew they were doing a photoshoot.
Here’s how I did it…
Preparing For a Photoshoot My Way
My preparation process looked a little different. First, I had been up all night enjoying a Lil Nas X concert in Toronto at the Echo Beach RBC Stage. It was a truly amazing performance! When I tried to go to sleep that night, the fire alarm in my brother’s downtown Toronto condo went off. The fire department arrived and the situation was declared a non-emergency around 4 am. It’s safe to say I had dark bags under my eyes the next morning (the day of the photoshoot).
I prepared for the day based on my original plans of vegging out with my dog and watching my current binge-worthy Netflix show: Queen Of The South. So, according to my own plan, I bought myself a breakfast sandwich and a big smoothie. Who cares if you’re a little bloated while having a chill Netflix day? Unless, of course, it turns into a photo shoot day instead.
Luckily, I did have a cute outfit to wear.
It was a denim jumper with shorts and I wore a black bralette underneath. I also happened to have some make-up with me, thank God. The thing about this outfit is that I had been wearing it for 3 days straight. My one-night visit with my brother turned into a weekend hangout and I simply didn’t pack for that.
I’m Not A Model
Ashley is a professional photographer known for her Boudoir Photography and Lifestyle Photography. This past Saturday, two of her models had family emergencies and couldn’t make it to their photoshoot. Ashley had another photographer with her (Carl Harper, Lifestyle & Wedding Photographer) and they had all of their equipment set up and the room ready for a day of photoshoots. To my surprise, I received a message from Ashley on Saturday morning asking me if I would be interested in taking one of the model’s spots. It would be a perfect collaboration: Ashley could use the images for promoting her photography business and I would have some cool lifestyle content to post on my website and Instagram account.
Before I tell you about the whole experience, you should know I am not a model.
At first, the idea of signing up for a photoshoot made me feel like I was getting my school picture taken. I felt a little awkward and I remember thinking: “Am I good-looking enough to model?”, “What do I wear?” How do I stand?” and so on. I recognized these thoughts for the unhelpful thoughts they were and decided to boost myself up with positive self-talk instead.
I reminded myself that anyone without modeling experience would be a little nervous. It’s completely natural to feel unsure about something when it’s your first time doing it. I also reminded myself that this is going to be a fun way to reunite with my friend and enjoy the time together.
The Benefits Of Having Creative Friends
Ashley has been my friend for several years and I have always been blown away by her talent. Her photography and editing skills are mind-blowing to me! On top of her amazing technical ability, she is very genuine and easy to work with. Ashley makes you feel at ease in front of the camera. There were so many moments when I wasn’t sure how to pose or I felt a little awkward. During those moments, she lifted the energy in the room by suggesting fun poses for me to try and showing me how cool the pictures turned out by using the digital screen on her professional camera.
A few days ago, I asked Ashley if she would be interested in being my art photographer.
When it comes to making prints, stickers, and merchandise, you really need to know your way around a camera. Maybe one day I’ll learn how to take pictures of my own work, but this week I thought: “Today is not the day.” Realistically, I need all the time I can get to paint and explore new ideas. Sometimes it pays to outsource some of the creative work even if you are a creative type.
Note: The other model in the photo is Nikki and you can click here to see her Instagram.
The Whole Experience
You already know about my very extensive preparation, but what happened once I got there? Well, let’s start here: I didn’t have a puppy sitter available for the full day, so I brought my very energetic full-grown standard golden doodle with me to the shoot. I opened the door to a beautiful loft re-designed to be an extravagant set (see pictures) and my lovely dog, Olive, ran across the room nearly knocking over the expensive camera and tripod. I should point out that I always make great first impressions (LOL).
Ashley had prepared a rack of clothes to choose from. This made the whole experience feel even more real and professional. I picked out two outfits: one included a flowy pink skirt and the other looked like Wednesday’s dress from The Adam’s Family. Once I tried on the outfits, I started to feel more confident in my ability to pull this off.
Nikki arrived 30 minutes after I did. She picked out her outfits and we started to get ready for the first indoor shoot. Carl took his pictures of each of us and then we did some poses together. Ashley took her turn with her own camera as well. While waiting between shoots, I nibbled on grapes and berries that were laid out beautifully on the counter for everyone to enjoy. I felt pampered.
Next, we changed into our second outfits and drove together to the next location. This would be an outdoor shoot slightly off of a hiking trail, next to a creek. We sprayed bug spray and got to work. Carl set up his camera and took really cool pictures of us at this very scenic location. The clouds in the sky were creating an amazing contrast against the greenery.
Our third location was a bit further down on the same trail. We stopped under a bridge where the lighting became very dramatic with the sunset. I wore the Wednesday Adams dress for this part and tried to act the part.
When it got too dark to see our equipment, we wrapped up for the day and headed back to Ashley’s apartment to change back into our everyday clothes. Although I was there for 6 hours, the time flew by.
If you have the opportunity to be in a photoshoot, go for it!
I was surprised at how fun a photo shoot can be, especially with friends. If you have the opportunity to be in a photoshoot, go for it! If not, make sure you’re always on the lookout for ways to get involved. You never know when an opportunity may present itself.
There are plenty of reasons why you should participate in photo shoots:
You can get paid or you can collaborate with a photographer like I did.
It could help your career and bring you more exposure.
You might even end up being featured in an industry magazine or on another website! I think it’s important for everyone who wants their voice heard to get out of their shell as much as they can.
How To Book Your First Photoshoot
Are you interested in booking a photoshoot? It’s as simple as contacting a photographer that you like either through their website or social media. Instagram is an amazing place to find creative people in any industry. It’s a great way to check out portfolios as well. When you’re searching for the right photographer to work with, consider what your photoshoot is for. For example, if you want to do a Budoir shoot, don’t go with a landscape photographer!
Why do you want to get your picture taken?
Even if it’s just for fun, having pictures of yourself to capture this moment in your life is a great idea. Get them framed and look back on that cool experience you had!